Little Swan Lake Club

Welcome to the Little Swan Lake website. The lake is located 4 miles west of Avon, Illinois. Little Swan Lake is a private lake made up of members who either own or lease property and are represented by the Little Swan Lake Club Board who are elected by the members.
We welcome new people to our Committees. Check out the volunteer opportunites by clicking on: volunteers. If a member is interested in working on one of the committees, please contact the committee chair or any board member. Board Meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 7 PM.

Board Meetings are the first Monday of the month at 7 PM.

2024 Playground Equipment Fundraiser

Playground donations through July

Avon Businessmen's Association will assist members who wish to store their boats in storage at Avcom Park. The first date is October 12, 2024. The second date is November 16, 2024, from 9am until noon. Please contact Rick Mathre, Phone#: 309-333-8107 if you have questions.

2023 Fishing Regulations
2023 Fish News

Read the most recent Little Swan Lake Newsletter. You may also click on the News menu option.

We have a new Ladies of the Lake newsletter. You may also click on the Ladies of the Lake(Monthly News) menu option.

IL News Release regarding Algae Blum (06/08/2021)

Check out the new Pendarvis mowing service and items for sale

(04/05/2021) The storage shed rules have been updated to accomodate a larger size shed. The new changes are, a storage shed can now be a maximum of 196 square feet with wall sides not to exceed 8 feet and the peak not to exceeed 11 feet.
If the lot owner wishes a larger shed, the structure will need to follow the permanent garage rules which include a foundation.

Swans spotted on the lake - February 3, 2017

Guest-Owner Reponsibilites

As stated in the Little Swan Lake Club (LSL) Covenants, it is the responsibility of the Little Swan Lake Member to make sure that guests are aware of and abide by all the rules and regulations of Little Swan Lake as well as state and local laws and regulations. The LSL rules are posted on our web site Below are a few requirements of special note for guests to use the LSL facilities, including the lake. Most of these are listed also in the various specific sections with more detail, but are gathered here for convenience.
  1. ■ Clubhouse: the LSL member reserving the clubhouse must be present during the event.
  2. ■ Fishing: a LSL member must be present when a guest is fishing either in a boat or on the shoreline, unless the shoreline is the member’s property. The fisher must be properly licensed by the State of Illinois in all cases.
  3. ■ Boating: a LSL member must be present at the lake when a guest is using the member’s motorized boat. No guest boats are allowed.
  4. ■ Other sport use: a LSL member must accompany the guest when snowmobiles, 4-wheelers etc. are used on any LSL property, including the lake. No vehicles are allowed on the dam without express permission of the LSL board.
  5. ■ Swimming: It is fine for guests to swim no further than 100 feet from shore off a member’s property with no member present. There is no swimming off boats in the Wake Zone or off outlots. When swimming off a member’s boat in the no-wake zone a member must be present at the lake.


  1. ■ Boats must be anchored and motor turned off
  2. ■ Boats must stay in the center of the no wake zone not in the traffic lanes
  3. ■ Swimming will only be allowed from 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset. Note: if you are swimming within 100' of your own shoreline property there are no hour restrictions.
  4. ■ Swimmers must stay within 30’ of the boat
  5. ■ A responsible person, 18 years or older must stay in or be tethered to the boat
  6. ■ NO DIVING allowed
  7. Be sure to inform anyone in your boat of these rules. BE SMART - BE SAFE!
  8. Updated 5/7/2018
Rules will be strictly enforced with a minimum fine of $25 for the first offense and repeated offenses could lead to loss of lake privileges.


Tubing or Skiing - There is a new law which requires a flag flying at the highest part of your boat while pulling tubers or skiers or when they are in the water. While skiing or tubing, be sure to have a responsible spotter, the driver cannot be considered a spotter. Boat in a counter-clock-wise pattern. Children under 13 must wear life preservers. Lights must be used after dark and boats are restricted to a no-wake speed after dark.
(added 8/4/2020)

  1. ■ Two persons are required to be aboard a boat when engaged in towing any person participating in a water sport. (Sec. 15, Illinois Regulations)
  2. ■ Ski boat operators are advised not to trail tow ropes in the water except when returning for a fallen skier. Other boaters are cautioned against crossing the ski boat’s wake closer than 100 feet to the boat. Each boat operator is responsible for his/her own dropped loose skis.
  3. ■ Allow up to 2 tow ropes and a maximum of up to 3 persons in any combination of up to 2 towables built to accompany such.
  4. ■ Children 13 years old and under must wear a life jacket when in a boat that is not tied to a dock.
  5. ■ Boat traffic shall be in counter-clockwise pattern.
  6. ■ State law places restrictions on motorboat operators between the ages of 12 and 17. Such persons must operate the boat under the supervision of a parent, guardian or someone at least 18 years old that has been designated by a parent, or must hold a Boating Certificate issued by the State Department of Natural Resources. Such certificates can be earned by taking an 8 hour boating safety course approved by the department, and offered by organizations, school systems and volunteers throughout the state. The new law also bars anyone age 9 or under from operating a motorboat, and requires anyone at 10 or 11 to have a parent, guardian or someone over age 18 aboard.

Boat Ramp Parking – Please be sure boat trailers are parked at the ramp area rather that at the Clubhouse. The Clubhouse is often reserved for other functions and the parking spaces are needed. One or two trailers can take up a lot of parking spots. We realize at times additional trailer parking could be used and we are considering options in the Long Range Planning Committee. Anyone interested in working on the project, please contact a Board Member.

Rules and Regulations

The Committee on Rules and Regualtions has reviewed the current rules and has made several recommendations to the membership. These changes include removing duplicate or redundant information, making it readable by using common language, and updating incorrect information and rules.

Membership & Boating Forms

The membership and boating forms will be sent out in January. If you have not received the documents or are new to Little Swan Lake, you may download the forms on our forms page or please send an email with your request to Sharon Hundley (

Recycling Information

Recycling Drop-Off


Items Accepted: 



                Cardboard, Cereal & Kleenex boxes

                Office Paper, Junk Mail

                Telephone Books

                Hardback & Paperback Books

                Aluminum Cans & Foil

                Aluminum Scrap (lawn chairs, siding)

                Steel or Tin Cans

                Light Steel (coat hangers, bicycles, etc….)

                Plastics #1 – 7, except #6  -  (look for the number inside the recycling triangle)

                Bags of Plastic Grocery Bags (#2 or #4), Bubble Wrap


Containers must be free of food waste!


 Not Accepted:


                Styrofoam (#6)

                Wax Cardboard (milk and juice cartons)

                Construction Paper

                Paper Towels & Kleenex


                Electronic Equipment

                White Goods (washer, dryer, stove, etc.)

                Household Garbage

                Plastic Toys